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More The Universe Was Created Recently
Nearby Galaxy Has Almost No Dark Matter
A team of astronomers recently concluded that a nearby spheroidal galaxy, designated as NGC1052-DF2, contains very little, if any, dark matter.1,2...
''Super-Puff'' Exoplanets: Evidence of Youth?
Astronomers have inferred the presence of a fourth exoplanet in the Kepler-51 star system.1,2 They made the discovery when the third exoplanet...
Nebular Hypothesis Doesn't Hold Together
Secular scientists claim that stars form “naturally” from enormous clouds of gas and dust. The newly-formed star is thought to be encircled...
More Diamonds and Strata Have Too Much Carbon-14
Carbon Dating Undercuts Evolution's Long Ages
Evolutionists generally feel secure even in the face of compelling creationist arguments today because of their utter confidence in the geological time...
Diamonds May Be a Creationist's Best Friend
During the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) project, Andrew Snelling discovered evidence for a young earth and accelerated nuclear decay based...
'Fedex' Fossil Calls into Question the Age of Amphibians
The naming of newly-discovered fossils sometimes involves significant people or prominent associations. Darwinius masillae was named for British naturalist...
More Minerals Have Too Much Helium
New RATE Data Support a Young World
New experiments done this year for the RATE project1 strongly support a young earth. This article updates results announced in an ICR Impact...
Zircon: Earth's Oldest Crystal?
by Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D., & Brian Thomas, M.S. *
Most people are familiar with man-made, diamond-like cubic zirconia (zirconium...
A Tale of Two Hourglasses
In your kitchen you start a three-minute egg timer and a 60-minute hourglass simultaneously and then leave. You return a short while later to find the...
More The Sea Does Not Have Enough Minerals
Evidence for a Young Earth from the Ocean and Atmosphere
By Larry Vardiman, PhD
The earth was created by God as the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Why? Because God is a god of beauty...
Continents Should Have Eroded Long Ago
According to standard evolutionary models, the earth is supposed to be 4.5 billion years old, and its continents supposedly formed 3.5 billion years ago....
More Worldwide Catastrophic Evidence Is Everywhere
Genesis Flood Explains Bloat-and-Float Dinosaurs
A new research paper claims to have solved the mystery of why most ankylosaur dinosaur fossils are found upside down.1 Lead author Dr. Jordan...
Newly Discovered Sixth Extinction Rewrites Geology
Geology students memorize the rock system names found on geologic column diagrams, learn age assignments, typical fossils, and the five worldwide animal...
Cold Slabs Indicate Recent Global Flood
Since the 1990s, cross-section images of mantle tomography have shown visible slabs of oceanic lithosphere (which includes oceanic crust) descending...
More Impact
Genetic Recombination: A Regulated and Designed Chromos.,.
According to the evolutionary paradigm, complex genetic information in the form of genes and regulatory DNA can randomly evolve through mutations and...
Cosmic Rays, Sunspots, and Climate Change, Part 2
Last month’s article described two possible mechanisms by which the sun could affect Earth’s weather and climate.1 Both mechanisms...
Earth's Thick Ice Sheets Are Young
Secular scientists have assigned vast ages—multiple hundreds of thousands of years—to the Dome Fuji, Vostok, and EPICA Dome C ice cores...